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Baumgartner's - Midwesterners Trio
Monroe, Wisconsin
Dec 17 2011 9:00PM

Venue Address: 1023 16th Ave.

Venue Zip Code: 53566

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Venue Website: http://

Venue Phone: 608-325-6157

Cover Charge: no

Age Requirement: 21


Press: 9 to 12:30am Here's what tripadvisor.com says about Baumgartners:
Baumgartner's is a great, quirky old Wisconsin-y place! The employees there are so friendly and helpful, and genuinely seem to enjoy working there.

I've never seen anything like it. There's a cheese store in the front, with a good selection and low prices, and the employees, even the teenagers, seem to be very knowledgable about the different varieties of cheese. I had a teenaged boy say to me, "Well, the Danish blue is ok, but even though it's more expensive, my money's with the Stilton."

In the back is a tavern with long tables that you share with other patrons, which encourages everyone to talk with their neighbors.