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Jam For Cans - Food Pantry Benefit
Madison, Wisconsin
Nov 6 2010 3:00PM

Venue Address: VFW Post 7591 301 Cottage Grove Rd.

Venue Website: http://jam4canscb.googlepages.com

Venue Phone: 438-7009

Cover Charge: $3 or three non-perishable food

The 15th annual Jam 4 Cans food Pantry benefit will be held at VFW post 7591 at 301 Cottage Grove Rd in Madison. The doors will open at 11am Posting of the US Colors at 12:15pm. The first band will go on stage at 12:30p. Admission is still only 3 non perishble food items or a $3.00 donation. All proceeds go to the local food pantrys. Raffles will be held through out the day. Raffle items are from local business and Wisconsin Pro. sport Teams. This years line up is. 12:30pm Tracks Outta Town 1:45pm Frank James and the Boys 3pm Mid Westerners 4:15pm Rough Rider 5:30pm The Country Renegades 6:45pm Blue Steel Band 8pm Wild Heart 9:15pm The DeVillbillies Help us help those who may not have a Holiday meal. What a Great way to start the holiday season.