Venue Address: 1625 Northport Dr.
Venue Zip Code: 53704
Venue Website:
Venue Phone: 243-5252
Press: This is a special kid's program, my part of the show runs from 11:30am to 12 noon.
Kicking off the weekend (Thursday, 30 September) is the expanded Used Book Sale; running 4-7 pm, it will feature books, CDs, DVDs, and games. The book sale continues on Friday (1 October) for a full day, running 9 am-5 pm.
Saturday (2 October) offers entertainment for the entire family. Entrance for adults is $2 for the day; kids (under 12) are FREE. The day starts at 9:30 am and includes kid's games with a moon bounce, carnival with numerous games and prizes, popcorn & slushies, face painting, clowns, live zoo animals and appearances of local mascots. A fire truck and police cruiser will also be parked outside periodically throughout the day. Hot dogs and Sloppy Joes will be available in the snack bar. Add to that a bake sale of delicious homemade sweets.
Adults and kids can enjoy the following free entertainment: American Family Choir, Just Two Accordions, New Horizons Band, and Richard Wiegel Kids Show. The popular used book sale continues and beginning at noon you can stroll through the Used Book Sale enjoying the special rate of $5/bag! The craft fair returns this year, featuring hand-made items. Back by popular demand is the apple sale and free fresh pressed cider.
In addition, AppleFest attendees can buy tickets for individual drawing prizes; these prizes will be displayed and tickets sold Saturday, 2 October, 9:30 am-3 pm. Winners will be announced at 3:30 pm. Raffle tickets will also be sold throughout AppleFest weekend; winners will be announced at 3 pm.
This intergenerational community event is fun for all ages! Proceeds from this fundraiser will be used to enhance programs and services offered to senior adults living in north/east Madison.