Venue Address: 701 E. Washington Ave.
Venue Zip Code: 53703
Venue Website:
Venue Phone: 268-1122
Cover Charge: $10 donation
A musical celebration in memory of Madison guitarist and singer-songwriter Jeff Hickey, who died on July 14th of injuries sustained in an automobile accident, will take place on August 23rd at the High Noon Saloon from 12 noon until 6pm.
Performances kick-off at 12pm and will feature many of the Madison area's finest musicians including Kristy Larson, Jim Hodges, Dave Sewell, Richard Wiegel, Bobbie & Bill Malone, Spare Time Bluegrass Band, Lefty Joe, Chris Powers, special guest Harvey Reid, and Moonhouse.
Jeff's close friend of many years Harvey Reid had this to say:
"He was an American original, a fine musician, a devoted father, a tireless enthusiast of all things he deemed excellent, and one of the sharpest observers of the human condition. He always had time to help anybody he could. As a jack of many trades, he sang his songs, fixed up old cars and old guitars, and cracked jokes. He loved good books, good music and good people with a tireless passion.
Jeff spoke his mind and would listen to you if you spoke yours, and he made the things he liked a part of his life in a way we all would do well to emulate.
A fine man has left the Earth, and he will be well remembered."
Along with an afternoon of live music, never before available recordings of Jeff's original tunes will be available for purchase - along with his award winning CD Loose Ends. There is a freewill suggested donation of $10 at the door. All proceeds will go to benefit the Hickey family.
Kristy Larson - 12:10-12:35
Jim Hodges - 12:45-1:05
Dave Sewell - 1:10-1:25
Richard Wiegel - 1:30-1:45
Bobbie and Bill Malone - 1:55-2:20
Sparetime Bluegrass - 2:35-3:05
Jeff's Students - 3:20-3:50
Harvey Reid - 4:10-4:30
Moonhouse - 4:30-6