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Mad Toast Live - Richard Solo w/KG and the Ranger
Apr 21 2009 7:30PM

Venue Address: The Brink Lounge

Venue Zip Code: 53704

Venue Website: http://www.madtoastlive.com

Venue Phone: 661-8599

Cover Charge: $5

Age Requirement:


Press: Mad Toast is a live interview/jam with Chris Wagoner and Mary Gaines.
Rambling, fun, intimate, irreverent, musical, it's a lot of fun. It is podcast at: http://madtoastlive.podbean.com> and we're now also on iTunes!!! Special thanks to Andy LaValley--our very hard-working front-of-house sound engineer and podcast producer! So come to a live show, or kick back and listen to the latest episode, download a favorite, or subscribe for FREE and get a new episode of Mad Toast Live! delivered right to your desktop each Monday and Thursday at noon!

Tues. April 21 KG & the Ranger (Classic and original Cowboy songs with award-winning vocals)
8:30 pm
Richard Wiegel (Madison's favorite guitar-slinger & leader of the Midwesterners)
9:30 pm $5 Another new feature of the show is that we're now happily in our new home back in the main stage music room at the Brink. It's much better for our recording, and it's a great-looking stage and a great-sounding room. Starting in March we'll begin charging a small cover to help defray production costs (some shows may have a higher cover, which will be announced on our website). If you're interested in becoming an advertising sponsor (and you have something to advertise...a business, product, etc.), please contact us for a rate-sheet.