Venue Address: 701 A E. Washington Ave.
Venue Zip Code: 53703
Venue Website:
Venue Phone: 268-1122
Cover Charge: $10- $12 dos
Party starts at 8pm
8:15 - 9:45pm The Midwesterners
10 - 11:30 Adam Isaac & The People
11:45 - 1:15 (or later if you want) Clovis Mann
Other details:
WORT 33rd Birthday Party
Saturday, December 6th 8pm
Live Music! Cake!
All proceeds benefit WORT 89.9FM, Listener Sponsored Community Radio
Tickets $10 in advance or $12 day of show
Tickets available at: Star Liquor, High Noon Saloon, WORT-FM, or online at