Venue Address: 307 Polk St.
Venue Zip Code: 53583
Venue Website:
Venue Phone: 608-445-1445
Press: We had such a good time last year at this event, we jumped at the chance to do it again. The Midwesterners take the stage from 8:30 to 12:30am. There will be two ball drops, one at 10p and one at midnight. Craft beer, wine, pop, water and popcorn will be available for sale, cards and board games early on. Admission is $10 per person and $25 per family, and tickets are available at Tripp Museum, 565 Water St., or the night of the event at Park Hall. The Cedarberry Inn is close and available to save any long drives home. Come and help us celebrate 2013 and support the Sauk City Historical Society.
for more info email Jack at 608-644-8444